SqlSafeKeep Marketing Materials

White Papers

Our comprehensive white papers delve into the cutting-edge technology behind SqlSafeKeep. They address critical data compliance issues and highlight the advantages of using SqlSafeKeep over traditional methods. These documents demonstrate how SqlSafeKeep has revolutionized auditing and compliance processes.


Our visually striking brochures provide a concise and engaging overview of SqlSafeKeep. Designed to quickly capture the interest of potential customers, these brochures summarize the key features and benefits of SqlSafeKeep. They are perfect for CSPs looking to present a high-level snapshot of our product's value proposition in an easy-to-digest format.


We offer practical checklists tailored for IT compliance audits, database setup, and migration to SqlSafeKeep. These tools help CSPs and their clients assess current compliance statuses and streamline processes. By following these checklists, customers can ensure a smooth transition to SqlSafeKeep, enhancing their overall efficiency and compliance posture.

Slide Decks

Our comprehensive Slide Decks are crafted to support sales teams in their meetings with potential clients. These presentations cover all aspects of SqlSafeKeep, from features and benefits to competitive comparisons and customer testimonials. They include quick demos and screenshots to visually illustrate the product in action, providing CSPs with a powerful tool to drive client engagement and sales.

Product Demos (Video)

Experience SqlSafeKeep in action through our series of short video demonstrations. These videos showcase the product’s user-friendly interface, quick setup, and robust handling of various compliance scenarios. By watching these demos, CSPs can effectively convey SqlSafeKeep’s value and ease of use to potential clients, emphasizing real-time benefits and functionalities.

FAQ Documents

Our FAQ documents compile answers to the most common queries about SqlSafeKeep, covering technical aspects, support questions, pricing details, and getting started guidelines. This resource is invaluable for CSPs and their clients, providing quick and reliable information that addresses their concerns and helps streamline the onboarding process.